Thursday, January 21, 2010

Does Waxing Make your hair lighten up?

i saved my stomach hare and its come back darker and more coarse is waxing it gona make it better or should i just plan on Lazer?¿Does Waxing Make your hair lighten up?
Nothing will make it lighter or darker. It appears to be darker, perhaps, because before you shaved, the tip of the hair was thinner from a less mature hair follicle. Now that the follicle is mature, it's going to grow back as a fully mature hair from top to bottom, not just at the root.Does Waxing Make your hair lighten up?
Okay, here's the misconception: when you shave your hair comes back darker and thicker than before. In reality, that is not the case. Your hair (before it's shaved) has been worn down from normal wear and tear and possibly sun bleached a bit. So, when you shave it seems like you've unleashed the hairy beast that dwells within. Give that freshly shaved area a few months, and it will look just like it did before you shave. Anyways, as far as waxing goes, it will help to decrease the time it takes for the hair to grow back and in some cases it might decrease the amount of hair that grows back, but again, it won't make the hairs thinner or lighter.
Wax is applied to a small area of skin. After it hardens, it is quickly pulled off. Hairs are pulled out with it, so -- if it doesn’t hurt, it hasn’t worked. Most women can tolerate the quick “ouch” of having eyebrow or “mustache” hair removed. Waxing is okay for the legs, but it takes time and/or money to wax such a large area. The bikini area can also be waxed. The skin in this area is sensitive and private, so waxing it is not for everyone. Most beauty salons and skincare spas offer this treatment. The brave can also purchase materials for do-it-yourself hot or cold waxing at a drugstore or large market store.

Never shave anything other than your lower legs (never above the knee) and of course your underarms (carefully) by not going outside of the hair area. You don't want more hair to grow there :)

The sun will naturally lighten hair on your stomach. Shaving was not a good choice. I do not suggest waxing your stomach either. I suggest bleaching the hair on your stomach with a cream bleach specifically made for a females delicate skin.

Laser removal does not always work. You can spend a lot of money and have no results. You can also get an infection from laser removal.

I have a sixteen year old daughter and we use creame body bleach. It works GREAT. My personal experience has shown that shaving and waxing only cause the hair to grow back darker and coarse. I do not believe that is a myth because I've allowed the hair to sit for a long time and it didn't thin and lighten. Waxing never worked, and bleaching saved the day always! As for the BF. He is a male and he doesn't care about razor stubble as much as us girls do. Never do things like that for a guy because in the end they will complain about your razor stubble irritating them just as much as we complain about their mustache / beard stubble.
Waxing makes it come in finer and it will take longer for it to come in. You'll have to keep doing it, though, or it will go back to the way it was. Eventually, some pieces will stop coming in all together.

Waxing pulls the hair out at the root, so it's a cleaner finish and a longer lasting one as well.

Good luck...and hope it doesn't hurt too bad.
it did mine on my upper lip. i got to the point that I could wax or pluck dailly. thick course black hair on a woman's upper lip is just so attractive. I swear by electrolsis. Its taken 6 month of almost weekly treatments but it is now it worth it.
what happens is shaving makes you hair grow back darker %26amp; thicker. waxing doesn't make it grow back lighter, but it grows back more naturally. i'd wax, especially since it's on your stomach.

lazer is way too expensive.
not necessarily. My hair doesn't do that, and that is a myth apparantly? Don't do laser, its over expensive and not worth the pain i heard. Try bleaching it light. Cheap, effective, there you go =]
some say yes but if you have dark hair it will take a long time to see a bit of change of colour

i hope that i've been of some help
Fastidious depilitory hygiene is worth whatever it takes, electrolysis, laser, K.I.S.S.

waxing it makes hair stay away longer, so should b same for stomach hair, and may be finer wen it grows back. dont know anyting about lazering tho
it will but the same thing will happen

its expensive but laser hair removal is the most reliable but not totally
I don't think it does, but it does take longer for it to grow back. and it kinda weakens the hair. (personal experience)
Well, it doesn't really change the color of the hair, but it grows back thinner and doesn't show as much .
nope tried waxing didnt exactly do anything but HUUURRT!!!

but lazer did work and got allllll the spots i couldn't get..hah!
waxing it will get rid of it for longer...and maybe grow back finer, but i would just go for laser, then it wont ever come back!
When I get my eyebrows waxed, it doesn't seem to grow back lighter or coarser. So it should porbbaly be the same for the stomach.
my girl says that aftr waxing...the hair comes up after a long time and much more lighter, less laser will cost u a bit
no it removes the hair, i think you are talking of bleaching there hun. are you blonde?
Hell No
No it doesn't
haha no

i dont think it does
lmao lmao.


and waxing ur stomach is weird.
  • topical cream
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