Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Is it better to shave your legs, wax them, or laser hair removal?

I'm not planning on getting laser hair removal to remove my hairs on my legs, but I'm just wondering which one you think would be less painful or the best for my skin. I feel awkward with hairy legs and I have gym for 40 weeks in school (every Friday). Anyway, I have sensitive, dry skin, and my legs are really hairy! Shave, wax, or lasers?Is it better to shave your legs, wax them, or laser hair removal?
Man. The minute I can afford laser hair removal I'm gonna do it.

1 laser

2 shave

3 wax (3rd place cos my hair grows back fast so it's not really worth the pain and mess of waxing)Is it better to shave your legs, wax them, or laser hair removal?
I started waxing many years ago, and i found out that it makes the hair stop growing eventually, if you do it enough. I kept waxing, and it stings one day, but then i stayed smooth for a long time. Now I hardly have any hair left to wax off anywhere, it's GREAT! Some people swear by ';sugaring'; I have not tried it, there's also electrolysis, not tried either. Shaving tends to make the hair coarse, and it's hard to shave close enough to not show stubble in a day or two. I'm also not good with a razor and got cuts until i started waxing - wound up being less painful and more effective for me in the long run.

If your skin is dry, moisturize! also drink more water - not pop or anything with caffeine in it though, that's a diuretic.
I would go with shaving but use an electric razor meant for legs. Shaving with a straight razor is hard on the skin; waxing requires letting the hair grow to at least a quarter inch before you can wax again and laser would cost a fortune. Use a good moisturizer EVERY time you shave.

Good luck.
laser would be the best choice, but since you can't do that, try waxing them. if you wax your legs, the hairs will grow back in about a month. I shave my legs but the hairs grow back really quickly like in about 3 days!!

waxing doesn't hurt that much and it's not messy (I've waxed my legs b4)
If you wax them it grows back a lot thinner and lasts for longer, but get it done at a salon or get a friend to help you. shaving has to be done every three days to keep it totally stubble free and its a total mission!
Laser, but thats pretty expensive so I'm gonna have to go with waxing, and shaving comes in last.
SHAVE. waxing hurts and would be horrible on sensitive skin. when shaving though be verrry careful so you don't cut yourself. just take your time.
well im only 15, so i've only ever shaved my legs.

but i think waxing would be painful, but worth it. :)

just let it grow...ha ha ha
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